Work of the Week: Rafael Trelles, “La autopista del sur (The Southern Highway)”

At its simplest definition, Magical Realism is a genre of art (including visual art and literature) characterized by the inclusion of fantastical elements or events in an otherwise realistic setting. The term was most famously first applied by Cuban writer Alejo Carpentier to describe what he saw as a growing trend in Latin American literature of the time, and is most famously associated with Latin American art. Although Magic Realism is often labeled as Surrealism, the key difference is that Surrealism is based in images of the subconscious, of dreams, and Magic Realism deals in, well, reality.

Work of the Week: Antonio Martorell, “¿Quéslaque? Es que la…”

Antonio (“Toño”) Martorell (born 1939) is a Puerto Rican multi-media artist, educator, and writer, and a pillar of Caribbean contemporary art history. An intellectual, an artist of artists, and an artist of and for the people, Martorell‘s prolific body of work spans over six decades, consistently making references to the histories, diversity and resilience of Puerto Rican culture in face of adversity.

Work of the Week: Daniel Lind-Ramos, “Vencedor: 1797 (Victorius: 1797)”

Daniel Lind-Ramos (Puerto Rican, b. 1953), Vencedor: 1797 (Victorius: 1797), 2018-2019, Mixed media, 67 x 70 x 33 in. The Alfond Collection of Contemporary Art at Rollins College, Gift of Barbara ’68 and Theodore ’68 Alfond. 2020.1.1 ©Daniel Lind-Ramos The sculpture Vencedor: 1797 was